Tuesday, March 2, 2010

We are all beautiful -proven!-

This is a short post, but I think that its extremely meaningful,

I was thinking about this on the bus as I saw my reflection and then something suddenly occured to me. Just the day before I had thought to myself as I watched a sunset, how nature simply cannot be captured into a description of any kind. Even a photograph cannot convey to its viewers how the photographer felt when he saw the scene.

Thus Nature is Beauty, Therefore Beauty is Natural. We are all Natural and therefore, We are all beautiful in our own way.

Love you all



  1. Unless of course.. We've been under the knife, and plasticated..

  2. well...well... u'r just out to giv my post a bad name arent you xD

  3. Yea I can tell lol.. u'r just here to make my life a misery xDxD
